Exhibiting at Ameriserv Bank
Franklin Street, Johnstown
March 28 - 25, 2015
YONG SOOK KIM LAMBERT served as our Juror for the Spring Show 2015
Juror's Statement - First of all, I would like to thank Allied Artists of Johnstown for the honor and privilege to serve as juror in this year's spring show. I have served as a juror before, but I feel that it was much more difficult to jury for this show because there were so many wonderful works.
As a juror, my first reactions are instinctive. I respond to works that surprise and hold my attention. In this show I looked for unique and imaginative techniques used to create familiar subjects. I also looked for pieces which told a story or moved me emotionally, either by means of expressions, gestures, color, or design. When I view realistic pieces, I consider the quality of the basic drawing. This is also the foundation of every great painting, and without it, the work will not be a success.
Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to the Allied Artists of Johnstown committee and to Kathleen Kase Burk, president; and to all the artists who entered their pieces for the Spring Show. I encourage all of you to continue to work hard, and I congratulate those who have received awards.
Award Winners
Ameriserv Highest Achievement Award - Ann Dougherty - ' Gateway to the Vineyards'
Ameriserv Excellence Award - Kenneth Cotlar - ' 478-cv-15'
Ameriserv Excellence Award - Kathleen Kase Burk - ' String Theory #2'
Ameriserv Merit Award - Marianne Krizner - 'Vacancy #1, #2, #3'
Ameriserv Merit Award - Gary Lehman - 'The Darkness'
Jeanne Gleason Award - Helen Thorne - 'Tipsy Bottles'
Robert Thomas Award - Mary Wiley Lewis - ' Trevor's Lane'
Honorable Mention - Mark Eash - ' Horses in the Mist'
Apologies in advance to the artists whose works under glass have the glares detracting from the artwork. Mouse-over thumbnail for artist information, click for larger view.
An Artists Opening Reception was held on April 10th where the juror's choices were recognized for awards.
Mouse over photos to stop the scrolling
The group met at the Ameriserv Bank exhibit on the evening of April 10th for the opening reception. Viewing the displayed works and Awards were presented to Ann Dougherty, Marianne Krizner, Kathy Kase Burk, Ken Cotlar, Mary Wiley Lewis, Helen Thorne, Gary Lehman. An Honorable Mention was also presnted to Mark Eash