Allied Artist Logo
painting by Ralph Clemenson

Allied Artists of Johnstown (AAJ) is an artist organization based in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The Johnstown art group works in mediums of oil painting, acrylic painting, watercolor painting, pastel art, graphite, pencil, photography, sculpture, computer generated art, and mixed media. Allied Artists of Johnstown is made up of over 100 members and encourages new membership from around southwestern PA. Amateur, semi-professional, and professional artists 18 years and older may submit works for jurying at three of our annual shows. A fourth summer non-juried event is also sheduled annually. Currently, membership is represented in six Pennsylvania counties and more than five states.

About Us

The Allied Artists of Johnstown - AAJ - is comprised of a Board of Directors and committee persons for each of the annual shows, website, newsletter editor, scholarships, patron, and activities chairpersons. President Diane Safko, Vice-President Lida Hood, Treasurer/Corresponding Secretary Duane Webb, Recording Secretary Sam Howard, Membership Judy Lansberry, Scholarship Lida Hood,
Newsletter /Website Duane Webb, Patron Chair Marianne Krizner, Spring Show Chair Lida Hood, Summer Show Chair Martha Nelson, Fall Show Chair Ken Cotlar, and
Winter Show Chair Jim Richey


Allied Artists of Johnstown - AAJ - schedules four shows annually. AAJ Spring Juried Exhibit is held at AmeriServe Bank in downtown Johnstown, and is open to any entrants. Non-members who are juried into the show automatically receive membership upon payment of dues. AAJ Summer exhibition is a non-juried event open to all current Allied Artists of Johnstown members. Our largest event each year is the Annual Fall Exhibit, held at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art (SAMA) location at University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Pasquerilla Center for the Performing Arts. This exhibit is a juried event, open to all entrants. Our annual Winter Show is held at AmeriServe Bank location in downtown Johnstown, and is also open to all entrants.


AAJ Allied Artists of Johnstown, PA publish a quarterly newsletter that keeps the membership up to date on current art events, involvement of our members in other shows, and notification of upcoming exhibits. The newsletter is being maintained by our current editor Gary McClemans.

Allied Artists of Johnstown members and affiliated Johnstown art related sites are highlighted in our link pages.


Outdated and noncurrent information from this website is posted for a limited time. Past newsletters are also readily available for viewing.

Online Shows

Online exhibits of our Spring Juried Exhibit, Summer Non-Juried Exhibit, Annual Juried Fall Exhibit, and Winter Juried Exhibit to permit distant viewing of the local Johnstown art being displayed in our exhibitions.